European Green Capital 2022
More than two-thirds of Europeans now live in towns and cities. In Grenoble, we think they deserve to live in healthy, attractive and sustainable cities. So does the European Union! "Green Cities Fit for Life" is a European Commission programme that aims to encourage sustainability in European cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants. To this end, each year since 2006 the European Green Capital award has rewarded and promoted a particular city that has distinguished itself by its proactivity and concrete actions in favour of the environment and the quality of life of its inhabitants.
European Green Capital : what is it?
Grenoble, gateway to the Alps : gateway to the future
Grenoble is a dense city of more than 160,000 inhabitants, at the heart of a conurbation of more than 450,000 inhabitants, in the vast department of Isère and in the second largest region of France. Dynamic, mountain-loving and sporty, with a rich and diverse heritage, Grenoble is surrounded by three Alpine ranges and sits at a number of crossroads, in every sense of the term.
Faced with the challenges of climate change, pressure on property prices, mobility and the quality of the air, water and life in general, Grenoble continues to act as a pioneer, in keeping with its tradition of innovation and openness. From very early on, the city redoubled its efforts, raising its ambitions with regard to quality of life and respect for the environment.
A project for sharing
"Grenoble European Green Capital" is a unifying project led by a number of partners: the City Council, the Metropole, and the Department, all intent on meeting this challenge together. It represents a unique opportunity for Grenoble to raise its ambitions higher still in terms of transition for a liveable, sustainable future.
Accelerating transitions with Green Grenoble
As winner of the 2022 European Green Capital, Grenoble fully intends to ramp up its actions to speed up the ecological transition. Based on a broad consensus of partners, Green Grenoble is committed to promoting all kinds of action to combat climate change for a more liveable future, by proving that new economic shifts are fully compatible with respect for nature and social fulfilment.
Science, culture and citizen participation
At the heart of the action, Grenoble is calling on each and every individual to get involved in creating the city of the future ! Culture will transcend the 2022 Green Grenoble programme. Science and knowledge lie at the heart of the area's environmental challenges as well as its strengths. They will also form an integral part of the Green Grenoble project through a multidisciplinary scientific committee. Citizen participation, a key feature of local life in Grenoble, will play a central role in adapting the area of the new challenges it faces, while incorporating public needs and expectations.
Assessment Report
Participatory evaluation
This evaluation was co-sponsored by the three local authorities (City, Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole, Isère Department). It involved interviews, questionnaires and workshops with a panel of residents, event organisers and challenge partners (associations, businesses, public institutions), as well as staff and elected representatives from the local authorities and the Grenoble European Green Capital 2022 Agency.
Food for thought
In the first part, the report attempts to draw up a factual assessment of what happened in 2022, presenting the positive elements, the successes, as well as the stumbling blocks, difficulties and failures encountered during the year.
A month-by-month review
In the second part, the report presents the year month by month, corresponding to the twelve themes of the environmental and social transition. Based on an overview of the dynamics underway in the region and the major issues, it shows how the 2022 actions have responded to them, and illustrates a number of challenges and events.