Retransmission des conseils municipaux

  protected 'errors' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => 
        array (size=5)
          'message' => string 'The playlist identified with the request's <code>playlistId</code> parameter cannot be found.' (length=93)
          'domain' => string 'youtube.playlistItem' (length=20)
          'reason' => string 'playlistNotFound' (length=16)
          'location' => string 'playlistId' (length=10)
          'locationType' => string 'parameter' (length=9)
  protected 'message' => string '{
  "error": {
    "code": 404,
    "message": "The playlist identified with the request's \u003ccode\u003eplaylistId\u003c/code\u003e parameter cannot be found.",
    "errors": [
        "message": "The playlist identified with the request's \u003ccode\u003eplaylistId\u003c/code\u003e parameter cannot be found.",
        "domain": "youtube.playlistItem",
        "reason": "playlistNotFound",
        "location": "playlistId",
        "locationType": "parameter"
' (length=494)
  private 'string' (Exception) => string '' (length=0)
  protected 'code' => int 404
  protected 'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Http/REST.php' (length=64)
  protected 'line' => int 134
  private 'trace' (Exception) => 
    array (size=12)
      0 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Http/REST.php' (length=64)
          'line' => int 107
          'function' => string 'decodeHttpResponse' (length=18)
          'class' => string 'Google\Http\REST' (length=16)
          'type' => string '::' (length=2)
      1 => 
        array (size=3)
          'function' => string 'doExecute' (length=9)
          'class' => string 'Google\Http\REST' (length=16)
          'type' => string '::' (length=2)
      2 => 
        array (size=3)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Task/Runner.php' (length=66)
          'line' => int 187
          'function' => string 'call_user_func_array' (length=20)
      3 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Http/REST.php' (length=64)
          'line' => int 66
          'function' => string 'run' (length=3)
          'class' => string 'Google\Task\Runner' (length=18)
          'type' => string '->' (length=2)
      4 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php' (length=61)
          'line' => int 926
          'function' => string 'execute' (length=7)
          'class' => string 'Google\Http\REST' (length=16)
          'type' => string '::' (length=2)
      5 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Service/Resource.php' (length=71)
          'line' => int 238
          'function' => string 'execute' (length=7)
          'class' => string 'Google\Client' (length=13)
          'type' => string '->' (length=2)
      6 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/YouTube/Resource/PlaylistItems.php' (length=94)
          'line' => int 124
          'function' => string 'call' (length=4)
          'class' => string 'Google\Service\Resource' (length=23)
          'type' => string '->' (length=2)
      7 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/www/include/class/class.ext_db_socialPost.php' (length=68)
          'line' => int 206
          'function' => string 'listPlaylistItems' (length=17)
          'class' => string 'Google\Service\YouTube\Resource\PlaylistItems' (length=45)
          'type' => string '->' (length=2)
      8 => 
        array (size=5)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/www/include/tpl/GAB_GRENOBLE2019/tpl_youtubeVideo.php' (length=76)
          'line' => int 9
          'function' => string 'getYoutubeVideos' (length=16)
          'class' => string 'SocialPost' (length=10)
          'type' => string '::' (length=2)
      9 => 
        array (size=4)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/www/include/gabarit_site/GAB_GRENOBLE2019/inc.fo_contenu.php' (length=83)
          'line' => int 44
          'args' => 
            array (size=1)
          'function' => string 'include_once' (length=12)
      10 => 
        array (size=4)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/www/include/gabarit_site/GAB_GRENOBLE2019/inc.document.php' (length=81)
          'line' => int 49
          'args' => 
            array (size=1)
          'function' => string 'include_once' (length=12)
      11 => 
        array (size=4)
          'file' => string '/home/wwwroot/grenoble/www/index.php' (length=36)
          'line' => int 302
          'args' => 
            array (size=1)
          'function' => string 'include_once' (length=12)
  private 'previous' (Exception) => null
  public 'xdebug_message' => string '<tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan="5"><span style='background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;'>( ! )</span> Google\Service\Exception: {
  "error": {
    "code": 404,
    "message": "The playlist identified with the request's \u003ccode\u003eplaylistId\u003c/code\u003e parameter cannot be found.",
    "errors": [
        "message": "The playlist identified with the request's \u003ccode\u003eplaylistId\u003c/code\u003e parameter cannot be found.",
        "domain": "yo'... (length=8419)